Does Blue Light Give us the Blues?

We all probably spend more time in front of our TVs, laptops, and cell phones than is humanly healthy. I know when I finish a day of work, I feel like there is a build up of computer fuzz on my face that I need to wash off with a cold dip in the ocean, shower or a walk in nature.  

Now we might think that’s okay to be looking at a device as much as we do because we don’t always feel that we have a choice in the matter, but there are serious health side effects that come with the territory…

AND more importantly, our children’s developing eyes don’t filter artificial blue light from electronics as well as our adults’ eyes do. 

Therefore, it’s incredibly important for their overall health, nervous system development and wellbeing for your children to spend as much time as possible in the ‘real daylight’ (aka sunshine and nature) rather than that artificial light caused by screens. 

If you’re noticing behavioral challenges in your children, it is recommended to limit their exposure to blue light from screens – especially in the evenings, before bedtime.

 It is also recommended to use blue light filters on your phones & laptops or even bluelight glasses. 

We know that screen time is addictive and correlated to mood disorders and negative behaviors (you can read our blog post about that here). But on top of that, blue light is known to:

  • Mess up your circadian rhythm (sleep cycle) by impairing melatonin production (sleep hormone)


  • Increase risk of certain cancers


  • Impact mental health: anxiety and depression


  • Cause eye strain and fatigue, blurry vision, dryness, macular degeneration and cataracts


  • Drive metabolic issues



Use your devices for inspiration, creativity and good by listening to audio stories, music and meditations inside the Majik Kids App! Or download one of our activity books from a story and enjoy hours and hours worth of fun, creative, growth-provoking, real world activities as a family, group or class.  

Our family keeps a phone box in the studio for the evenings, so we’re not tempted to check. We keep that phone box in an inconvenient place to access (our studio). 

Hopefully this inspires and empowers you to do what you know is best for your family, which is having LESS SCREENS + MORE IMAGINATION. 

On that note, enjoy this week’s audio story, music & meditation!

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“I’m so grateful seeing my kids’ eyes glow as they cultivate their imaginations listening to these high-quality stories.”

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